Rules & Regulations

***Please remove any holiday decorations from grave sites by May 1st or the cemetery sexton will remove them.

For information regarding “Catholic Teaching on Cremation” go to and search: “Catholics and Cremation” for a printable brochure.

  1. A Lot shall be defined as one or more graves whose burial privileges are held by an individual, family or group.
  2. A Gravesite shall be defined as one grave, 4ft.x8ft. or 4ft.x12ft. depending on the Section, accommodating a single full burial and/or cremations.
  3. One adult burial and one cremation or two cremations are allowed per grave.
  4. Burial vaults are required for interments, concrete or metal only.
  5. A rigid container must be used on all cremation burials (no wood or cardboard unless inside another rigid container.
  6. No burials are allowed until that grave is paid in full.
  7. No monuments are allowed until the Lot is paid in full.
  8. One monument per Lot and one foot marker per grave.  No raised foot markers.
  9. Legion markers must be close to the monument so they will not interfere with mowing.
  10. The following planting rules must be observed to allow for ease of maintenance in the Cemetery:
    a. NO SHRUBS may be planted by anyone except the Cemetery. NO ROSEBUSHES are allowed.  They will be removed.
    b. NO PLASTIC flowers or ornaments or fencing are allowed. They will be removed by the Caretaker.
    c. NO GLASS OR STONES around monuments.
    d. Planting of flowers is allowed 8-10 inches in front of headstones or monuments.
                However, no raised beds, they must be level.