Family Catechesis / First Communion

Pre-K through Grade 8:

After a two year discernment process with the Catechetical Leaders in our PCA, we are pleased to announce that we are going to adapt the intergenerational family model for the Faith Formation/Catechesis of the children in our PCA this year by reintroducing break out sessions by age, so children can be with their peers and engage in age-appropriate content. Last year was our first year moving to this new Family Catechesis Model. We went into it knowing there would be a large learning curve. We feel much more confident growing into this model in the coming year. After our
experience of Faith Formation/Catechesis during the pandemic, we believe that this new model will allow us to reach more homes and more families in our parish communities. We would like to use A Family of Faith to help develop strong Catholic families in which children learn the joys of following Jesus Christ and the truths of our Faith through the witness of Christian life given by their parents.

Studies tell us that parental involvement in the faith-life of their child is by far the most important element in ensuring that a child develops into a practicing Christian. A Family of Faith provides both the parish catechist and the parent with an easy-to-use, turnkey solution to catechizing the whole family and helping parents lead their children to Heaven. Many parishes are looking for ways to help families practice their faith and participate fully in the parish. With A Family of Faith, families come together regularly  growing in relationship with one another and learning the truths of the Catholic Faith and how to apply them in their lives. In the parish and at home, parents and children have the opportunity to build strong relationships through discussion and reflection on topics that matter in their lives. The home becomes the place of deep learning as families desire to follow Jesus more closely. Families are introduced to the spiritual treasures of the home, the domestic church. Each month parents have the opportunity to choose from a variety of activities and discussions that they can do as a family to explore the concepts that are taught in each lesson. Families using A Family of Faith attend Mass
regularly, learn and practice prayers together, and engage in spiritual conversations at home, helping them to grow in holiness.

If you would like to find out more about this new model of Faith Formation/Catechesis for our parishes, please visit:  This will be for all interested parents/guardians who would like to know more about our new Family Catechesis Model and where we hope to take it this year. You can register or request more information by emailing PCA Catechetical Leader K-8, Stacey Miller at [email protected].

Children’s Liturgy of the Word: 

Children’s Liturgy of the Word will be offered at the 9am Sunday Mass when Family Catechesis is taking place on the Waterville Campus and at the 11am Sunday Mass when Family Catechesis is taking place at St. Mary’s. Children in PreK, K, and 1st grade are invited to join our catechists in our church hall during these Masses for a children’s lesson on the Word of God. They Depart at the beginning of Mass and return for the “Our Father”.  This is a beautiful way for your child to grow in faith with their peers during Mass with the hope that they will receive more from their experience of Worship on Sundays. All Welcome!

  Check our Weekly Bulletin and Facebook page for upcoming events!

1st Holy Communion

All children in 2nd grade at invited to join our Route20Catholic First Communion Preparation Program for our next session on Sunday, January 22nd at 10am in the St. Bernard’s Church Hall. Remember that in order for your child to be eligible to receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion, they must attend 90 percent of the sessions being offered this year. There is still time to register on this link:

If you have questions regarding the Sacrament of 1st Holy Communion, please email
PCA Sacramental Coordinator (First Penance and First Communion) Shannon Jones ([email protected])