PCA Update on Weekly Confessions –
Confessions will now be made available to each campus on a monthly basis. The opportunity to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation will take place every Tuesday from 5:30pm until 6:30pm on a rotating basis: 1st Tuesday will be at St. Joan’s; 2nd Tuesday will be at St. Bernard’s; 3rd Tuesday will be at St. Mary’s; 4th Tuesday will be at St. Joseph’s. Now all four campuses will have equal opportunity to celebrate this great sacrament of mercy.
Location and times subject to change. Please check the Parish calendar for up to date details.
PCA Update on Holy Hours –
Holy Hours involving Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Evening Prayer, the opportunity to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation, and Solemn Benediction will be made available to each campus on a monthly basis. These Holy Hours will take place every Tuesday at 5:30pm on a rotating basis: 1st Tuesday will be at St. Joan’s; 2nd Tuesday will be at St. Bernard’s; 3rd Tuesday will be at St. Mary’s; 4th Tuesday will be at St. Joseph’s.
Location and times subject to change. Please check the Parish calendar for up to date details.
Pastoral Care (Contingent upon COVID guidelines)
If you or a loved one are in the hospital or any other medical facility and would like a visit from our priest or deacons, please call the parish office directly. The hospital cannot share with the parish that you are in the hospital because of HIPAA. Our priest and deacons would love to visit you, but we depend on your call to notify us.
Contact the parish office at least 6 months prior to the wedding.
Click here to register for the Pre-Cana Marriage Preparation courses offered in our Diocese.
Contact the parish office at least 6 months prior to the wedding. Couples will need to meet with Father Donovan before any arrangements are made. He may be reached, [email protected]
Please call the parish office at least one month prior to the baptism.
Baptism Intake Form
New in Town
Please complete the Parish registration form below.