Altar & Rosary Society


The longest serving organization of laity was formed by the women of the parish generations ago. A clean and well-decorated altar is essential to the atmosphere of devotion. The women of St. Mary’s volunteered their service long ago. Knowing that all service needs the power of prayer they combined their work with devotion to Mary’s rosary. The dedication to meditations on the life of Christ is a support system for our lives.


Over the years the works of the society have expanded to support the activities of our parish. We have supported the Sacramental programs for First Communion and Confirmation as well as Baccalaureate Exercises with receptions and gifts. We support the Ministry of Consolation by providing luncheons when requested. We offer our culinary abilities and our service on all special occasions.

Membership / Volunteer

In the Fall our envelope service includes a specific envelope for dues. (Please include: name, address, email, and phone.) Dues are $20 per year. For some, that is membership and we appreciate the support. Envelopes can be found on the window sills in the foyer of the Church.

You may also fill out the form below to join, or for those who want to be more active or help in a specific way can indicate on the form below as well.

Please use this form to join the ARS, and/or to volunteer at any/all of the events

Altar & Rosary Society – Membership / Volunteer